Breast cancer doesn’t define me, but it changed how I want to live life.

More importantly for you ~ the author, solopreneur or entrepreneur ~ my lessons show you how
you can live a more efficient and effective life while running your business and living life.


Blinding insight. A breast cancer diagnosis showed me my oncologists didn’t care about my client deadlines. They were laser focused on my health and keeping me alive while cancer was trying to kill me. Their singular focus on my health meant I had to rearrange my schedule to accommodate the appointments they’d set for me.

Surviving cancer AND keeping my business viable and vibrant all while working fewer hours opened my eyes to the fact that I’d not been spending my time wisely before. I knew things had to change and that’s when I charted my course toward how I looked at client work and at time itself.

Lesson learned. I learned by watching my oncologists and surgeons focus on nothing but ridding my body of cancer that

I wanted to be more laser focused on my business growth, my client tasks and my personal life.

The myth of time management. Let’s face it, you cannot “manage time.” Time moves at the same rate for every one of us. What we need to do is to manage the way we look at our time. We need to manage the way we complete tasks and organize and prioritize our day.

#30Minute Increments. Some days all I had was 30-minutes to work on my business and my client work. I needed to embrace those minutes and make the most of them and now I can show you how to do just that: Work On & Nurture Your Business Or Author Platform In #30Minute Increments.

Join me. Become A #30MinuteSolopreneur!