Tips From A Writer That Solopreneurs Can Use


 The problem many solopreneurs have with blogging is they don’t know where to start. Another reason many solopreneurs struggle with blogging is that they don’t know how to write or the don’t like writing. If you’re a business owner who doesn’t like writing, you will be better served as will your clients and your business to hire a writer to do your blog content and web copy for you.

If, however, you’re a solopreneur who loves to blog or whose business is blogging, here are tips from a writer – me – that you can use to get your writing done.

Tips From A Writer That Solopreneurs Can Use

  1. Quality over quantity. Don’t commit to writing a blog a day if you don’t have the time and if you’re going to put up shoddy blogs. It’s better to have one quality post a week than to have seven shitty ones. #WriterTruth

  2. The first draft of your blog post is just that – a first draft. Get your thoughts down on paper, or screen. Go back the next day and expand upon it. Clean up the spelling and grammar. Add an image. Make it live. You don’t have to make it live the day you write it.

  3. Stay on topic. It’s easy for a novice writer or a writer with too many ideas to stuff them all into one piece of fiction or in a blog post. Stick to one topic. If you meander off a different path than you started, copy and paste the detour into a document or into another blog post and save it as a draft. Readers want one topic per post.

  4. Find your flow. If your creative juices are flowing at 4 am then write your blog post then. If your creative juices flow at 8 pm, that should be when you do your writing. Know your productive and creative times and utilize them to their best effort.

  5. Never rely on the Muse. Yes, many novelists think the Muse is real and at some point she will fly down, perch on their shoulder and feed them prose. It won’t happen; she is a fickle bitch. You have to choose to blog on your website and feed it new content so potential clients will find you. Pre-planning will help as will having an editorial calendar fully stocked and waiting to fill your blog funnel.

What are your reasons for wanting to blog on your business website? What are the reasons you haven’t been? What can you do to jumpstart the practice of regularly feeding your blog?