How To Be A Healthy Solopreneur

I know that I am not as healthy of a solopreneur as I should be, or as I could be. Physical activity is something I strive for, but don’t always achieve unless I am wearing my fitness tracker and have it remind me to get up and move.

 How to be a healthy solopreneur is something I want to touch on today because if you’re the only one running the show, who will keep your business going if you get ill? This was something I faced during my breast cancer battle. True, being more physically active wouldn’t have prevented breast cancer, but it certainly got me thinking that I need to be a healthier business owner.

How To Be A Healthy Solopreneur

 To be a healthy solopreneur you need to:

  1. Get a handle on your schedule. You need to schedule time for fitness. When I say, “fitness” for me that means I get up and walk at least 250 steps every hour. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. Sitting all day isn’t conducive for good health.

  2. Take advantage of opportunities to move. I have to get up and move and walk Henrietta and Murray several times a day. Rather than just stepping off the porch and standing there, I allow them to wander the yard, and out toward the woods and follow them along – it gives me a few more steps that hour.

  3. Move it when you’re up. If you’re waiting for the coffee to brew, do a few jumping jacks or bend over and touch your toes. When you take a bathroom break, do a few push ups or a few squats.

  4. Stand up for calls. When you take a client phone call stand up, move around do a few waist bends or move your hips. Stand on your tip toes then lower back down. Grab the back of the chair and do some one-legged squats.

  5. Lift weights. I don’t have actual weights, but I lift soup cans while I am cooking lunch. I also lift soup cans and do curls while my coffee is brewing. If I am doing laundry I lift the laundry soap jugs above my head to work my shoulders and arms.

 Be intentional

“Move it or lose it” is cliché, but it is true in order to be a healthy solopreneur, petpreneur or entrepreneur of any kind. Sitting has been noted as being one of the biggest health risks to Americans today. If you get up and get moving you may prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes or obesity.

 Get up and get moving!

 Do you have any tips for other solopreneurs on ways to be healthier?


how to be healthy entrepreneur

How To Be A Healthy Entrepreneur

#30-Minute Solopreneur Tip