How To Make A List

I am a list-maker. Even before breast cancer “stole” my good recall skills and my memory I made lists. I had lists of books I’d read, books I wanted to read, groceries I needed to buy, work I needed to get done and more.

 My lists lived on sticky notes, my smart phone note app, a scrap of paper and everything in between. There were days when I would be rummaging around in my purse and come across crumpled up lists that I had completed.

 What I have found, though, other than making sure I don’t forget to buy bread or eggs that my lists weren’t usually the most effective means of getting shit done.

 To make an effective list, you need to have a strategy and make a list with intention. Discipline is key to effectivity.

 Here are ways to make a list (or if you already make lists – to make a better list!)

 These are the lists I have decided are my favorites, based upon years of making, using, accepting and rejecting my list types.

How To Make A List

 To-do list. My daily checklist keeps me on track. My checklist assures I don’t miss any client deadlines. Without a checklist and a running list, I would fear I forgot a task or missed a deadline. Making a daily list, and writing a list for the following day when I leave the office at the end of the day helps me sleep at night.

 My to-do lists and daily checklists are realistic and doable. Also, crossing items off my daily checklist feeds my feeling of accomplishment.

 Not-to-do list. As a solopreneur it’s easy to say “yes” to every project that comes along. Even if a potential client seems as though he or she will be more of a pain in the butt than the fee I am commanding requires, I need to put it on a not-to-do list.

 A not-to-do list is as important for a solopreneur as is a to-do list. Remember you cannot be everything to everyone. Know what you will do, what you want to do and what you don’t want to do and with whom you don’t want to work then be prepared to say “no” to items that simply don’t fit your business plan or that are on your not-to-do list.

 Effectivity matters

how to make a list

When you’re a solopreneur, petpreneur or entrepreneur of any stripe, effectiveness and efficiency matter. You need to work “smarter, not harder” in order to make efficient use of all of the time you work on your business.

 Entrepreneurs need to find their way around a list, use it and track how efficient – or how non-efficient – they are in the course of their daily office hours. If you find you’re not getting through your lists you need to examine whether you’re putting too many items on it, whether you’re being distracted or whether there are items you simply need more help with or assistance on.

 Do you make lists? Do you love them or hate them? Do you have organized lists or a jumble of paper scraps in the bottom of your purse or briefcase?